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Know Your Self:
The V's

Your Compass to a More Fulfilling Life

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Navigate life's complexities with unprecedented clarity, self-alignment, and purpose with The V's.


This self-paced mini-course invites you to explore your Values, Vision, Vices, and Virtues, guiding you towards a life of personal empowerment, and transformative growth

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What will you get out of this?

Participating in The V's offers a unique opportunity for profound self-discovery and personal evolution.


You'll gain insights into your deepest values, learn to forge a vision aligned with your true self - across multiple dimensions, recognize and transform limiting habits, and articulate a personal Virtue Statement that empowers your every step.


This journey is more than just learning; it's about evolving into the best version of yourself and positively impacting your world.

Why We Created This Mini-Course

We, Ganga Devi and Seth, with our combined experience and passion for holistic growth, have crafted The V's as a pathway to multidimensional thriving.


Drawing from over 15 years of coaching a diverse range of remarkable individuals, from top athletes to leading executives, this mini-course is our way of making transformative growth accessible to all.


Each step of The V's is thoughtfully designed to not only help you uncover and hone your unique talents but also to provide a robust foundation for any future personal development journey.

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This isn't about just setting goals; it's about establishing a deeply rooted life of purpose, integrity, and joy that serves as a springboard for all future growth.

Wondering if The V's is a fit for you?

Feeling Stuck? If you've hit a plateau in your personal or professional life, The V's offers a structured path to break free and rise to your next level.​

Overwhelmed by Choices? If you're paralyzed by big life choices, the V's helps you craft a compass for clear, value-driven decision-making.​

Emotional Disconnect? Struggling with forming meaningful connections? The V's equips you with the tools to deeply resonate with yourself and others.​

Unfulfilled Potential? If you sense a greater purpose but don't know how to reach it, The V's sets you on a transformative journey aligned with your deepest values.​

Consistency Issues? Are your actions not aligning with your values? The V's creates a framework for integrity, helping you live out your beliefs consistently.

Work-Life Imbalance? Feel like you're juggling too much, yet achieving too little? The V's teaches you how to balance and prioritize what truly matters.

The V's addresses critical challenges you might be facing:

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Lack of Clear Life Direction
Decision-Making Paralysis
Unfulfilled Potential
Emotional Disconnect
Mental Self-Sabotage
Inconsistency in Values and Actions

Through guided exercises and reflective practices, you'll be empowered to navigate these challenges, laying an unbreakable foundation from which to build a more intentional and fulfilling life.

The Format

Duration & Commitment: The V's is designed to fit your schedule and learning pace.

You have the flexibility to engage intensively and complete the course in a focused

2-hour session, or you may choose to spread your journey over several days or weeks.

This timeless content is crafted to be a lifelong resource for your personal development

journey, that you revisit regularly.


Format: This self-paced course combines educational content with supportive practices, including an Embodied Visualization Meditation, to facilitate your growth. Additionally, it offers community support with regular office hours for direct access to Seth, hosted on the EMUNAH Multidimensional Living community platform.


Price: $77. This investment not only grants you access to The V's but also serves as a valuable credit. Your involvement in this course can be seamlessly applied towards further growth opportunities, such as enrollment in The EDGE or engaging in one-on-one sessions with Seth, creating a continuous path of personal development and deeper engagement.

The V's Journey Overview

Self-Discovery through Values:

​Dive into a profound exploration of your core values, laying the groundwork for purposeful living. This phase is about grounding your journey in a sense of personal meaning and clarity.


Vision Crafting:

With your values as a compass, you'll craft visions for your future, cultivating not only personal aspirations but also considering their impact on those around you and future generations.


Vices to Virtues Transformation:

Identify and transform habits that limit your growth. This part encourages self-awareness and positive change, turning challenges into stepping stones for development.


Articulating Your Virtues:

Conclude by defining your unique virtue statement, a personal mantra that serves as a beacon for personal behavior and a positive influence in your wider community.


Expansive Self-Knowledge:

The V's equips you with a deepened self-awareness, linking personal growth to a broader influence on your immediate circles.


This self-paced course cultivates a journey of empowered, intentional living, extending its benefits beyond the individual to positively shape your interactions and relationships.

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Don't let another day go by without your compass to the most fulfilling life you can lead.

Enroll in "The V's" today and start your journey towards profound self-alignment and clarity.


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