About Me

Since receiving my Master’s of Science in Physiology, I’ve had a very fulfilling career in the fitness, performance, and wellness industries before integrating all of my experience into the field of Sexological + Performance Coaching.

Here’s a brief timeline:

  • Coached professional athletes under the expert guidance of Pete Bommarito as my first job post-grad. I loved working with my athletes to optimize their performance at the utmost highest degree.

  • Realized my passion was in helping people thrive in their whole life, and that the skills I was employing to optimize performance could be applied beyond the realm of athletics.

  • Began coaching Fortune 100 CEOS, and received valuable mentorship from the deep trust that grew from our coaching work.

  • Opened Iron Lion Fitness in Wellington, FL, serving the community with a holistic approach to fitness and wellbeing.

  • Became the first person to have both NSCA CSCS and 200HR Yoga Teacher Training, motivated by my desire to support people thriving in body, mind, and spirit.

  • Embarked on an experiment of radical empathy to help a client and friend on his weight loss journey by being featured on the A&E TV Show Fit2Fat2Fit. A wildly challenging and formative experience.

  • Two pivotal moments for me in this phase of my career were in 2017 when I taught Yoga, Meditation, & Creative Visualization to the Rutgers Football Strength Coaches and, the following week, was a featured teacher at the Yoga Journal Live Conference in San Francisco. Though technically high points, these experiences left me feeling that there was a level of depth missing in the fitness and yoga worlds, and this was the beginning of my search to a path of even deeper impact.

These experiences were deeply fulfilling and expansive but left me realizing two key things: 

  1. There are deep flaws in the fitness, yoga, and wellness industry in terms of ethics, standards, and understanding the multidimensional, whole system of a human being. I now mentor and train professionals in these industries to help them serve their clients with greater efficacy and empathy.

  2. My closeness to some of the highest net worth individuals on this planet gave me unique insight into the layers of human suffering that money cannot fix.

  3. There were more elements of human wellbeing, performance, and potential that I needed to learn if I were to truly help my clients thrive in their whole lives.

This was the beginning of my next chapter.

Into the Spiritual & Sexual Dimensions of Life

I have always observed that the clients that get the absolute greatest results have a connection to something greater than them. I consistently observed that it doesn’t matter what spiritual or religious path you follow, what matters is the depth of your connection. This is why I have named my online platform EMUNAH which is a Hebrew word that signifies the deepest form of trust, belief, and faith possible.

I wanted to understand how to support people in deepening and healing this connection with the divine in a way that would meet them completely where they are, as they are, and help them deepen the connection that is authentic to them.

So I enrolled in the deep and transformative Interspiritual Seminary training at OneSpirit based in Manhattan, becoming ordained as an Interspiritual Minister in 2020 after two years of deep study alongside my wife Ganga Devi Braun.

Some key elements of our Seminary education included studying Integral Theory as well as understanding both systemic trauma and the way that trauma lives in the body. Both of these areas of focus led me to the final piece that is my greatest passion and focus now.

Enter Sexual Healing

We are all sexual beings.

But we live in a Shame Culture:

We live in a culture that disconnects us from our bodies and shames our authentic desires from a very early age all the way through adulthood. None of us are taught how to release shame or how to not shame others, so the shame cycles endlessly through our culture and relationships.

This keeps us terribly disempowered, causing us to betray ourselves, sabotage our relationships, and abuse our bodies. My journey to becoming a sexologist began with the Institute of Authentic Tantra Education, the only government accredited Tantra school in North America. The education I received was trauma-informed, anti-racist, and fulfills and surpasses all foundational criteria for certifying sexologists.

In these studies, everything I had learned, practiced, and experienced clicked together.

Not only did I have the physiological background to understand the roots of sexual dysfunction, I also was able to see the deep disconnect from the Sacred that many people feel, as their sexual urges make them feel unworthy of connection with the divine.

My focus is on sexuality now because I see it as the #1 most important, and most neglected part of the puzzle of human wellbeing. It impacts every other dimension of our lives. It’s essential to creative, professional, and athletic performance, and at the heart of healthy marriages and partnerships.

Now, as a physiologist, a sexologist, an interspiritual minister, tantra educator, and with a trauma-informed lens in all that I do, I am uniquely positioned to provide a whole-system approach to harnessing + healing sexual energy.

Where sexual curiosity, longing, or shame lingers in the shadows, further trauma and abuse is inevitable.

I am here to help break those cycles.

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Let’s begin.

I am happy to have an initial 30 minute conversation to see if we’re a mutual good fit.

If you know that you are ready to get started together, feel welcome to book a deep dive consultation with me and we will apply the cost to the the full engagement as we move forward.