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Fitness - Physical Fitness


Physical Fitness Coaching

Physical Fitness

Notwithstanding what you might have seen on Fit to Fat to Fit, my approach toward physical fitness and personal training is not meant to help you achieve short-term physical fitness goals where you’ll lose weight fast or build muscle fast. Through Holistic Systems Coaching, I want to provide you with the appropriate resources to transform your body, mind, and spirit in ways that work best for you.

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Holistic Systems Coaching will get you better results than working with a personal trainer.

I have helped thousands of people achieve and exceed their physical fitness goals safely, while also supporting transformations in other areas of their lives, which helped them to maintain the success we achieved together.


Exercising with a personal trainer can certainly increase your success rate of achieving your physical fitness goals; however, traditional personal trainers typically work with clients to help them achieve specific short-term physical goals (e.g., lose 10 pounds quick, tone arms, lose belly fat, etc.) and the “custom” workout programs that personal trainers build often do not address the challenges that are preventing their clients from sustaining long-term success.


Become Strong + Flexible

Weight Lifting & Resistance Training

Cardio & Conditioning

Flexibility & Mobility

I combine weightlifting (e.g., dumbbell work, Olympic weightlifting) with resistance training to help you build muscle and strength. When we work together, you will discover ways to engage in weight training by using barbells and dumbbells (if you have them) or by using your own physical body for resistance training - you don’t actually need to go to the gym!

Cardio and conditioning is an integral part of any fitness program, although I recognize that this part of fitness can sometimes be the most difficult aspect of a workout. I work with all my clients to find the cardio activities that they find actually enjoyable, so that it never feels like torture, and always gets good endorphins flowing!

Flexibility and mobility are incredibly important to our quality of life, but are often neglected because most people approach fitness focusing more on how we look on the outside than the integrity of our body's systems. A solid understanding of biomechanics and the physiology of flexibility, you will discover that your body is capable of so much more than you may have ever realized.

Focus Areas

Back Workouts • Bicep Workouts • Tricep Workouts • Shoulder Workouts • Chest Workouts •  Leg Workouts • Core Workouts

Focus Areas

Endurance Training • HIIT Training • Kettlebells •  Box Jumps • Reverse Lunges • Burpees • Dancing • Cycling • Rowing

Focus Areas

Myofascial Release •  Smart Stretching  • Active-Dynamic Movement • Yoga Asana • Improving and Maintaining Long-Term Mobility

Holistic Systems Coach vs Personal Trainer
Holistic Systems Coach > Personal Trainer


Will Holistic Systems Coaching help me get to the physical fitness I'm looking for?

Quick answer: YES. I have helped thousands of people achieve and exceed their fitness goals safely, while supporting improvements in the other areas of their lives which helped them to maintain the success we achieved together.​



What are the shortcomings of working with a traditional personal trainer?

Exercising with a personal trainer can sometimes help you achieve your physical fitness goals; however, traditional personal trainers typically work with clients to help them with specific short-term physical fitness goals (e.g., lose 10 pounds in a week, tone arms, lose belly fat, etc.) and the “custom” workout programs that personal trainers build often do not address the challenges that are preventing their clients from sustaining long-term success.


Holistic Systems Coaching is different from personal training because it works on improving all aspects of your life - not just your short-term physical fitness goals - and, as your Holistic Systems Coach, I’m looking at all of the different systems in your life to understand how they work together so I can help you develop wellness programs that actually suits you.


How long should I hire a personal trainer?

There’s no “right answer” because fitness professionals can’t know how long it will take for you to achieve your fitness goals (e.g., build muscle vs lose weight) because every body, and every life, is different. In other words, working with a personal trainer might take three to six months or (as you’ve probably already experienced) it might take longer as there’s no magical exercises or programs in fitness that guarantee success.


Fun Fact: There isn’t just “one” wellness plan that suits you - your wellness plan is bound to change, since we’re all changing every day!


What is the fastest way to lose weight?

I get this question all the time. No fitness professional should instruct you to lose a lot of weight fast; especially if that means trying to lose 10 pounds in just a week (even if your training regimen is “backed by science”). Optimizing for speed toward achieving short-term fitness goals is not sustainable and your wellness program won’t work long-term. 


What's the best workout plan to build muscle and lose fat?

People always try to follow a “30-day muscle building workout plan at home” or they work with a personal trainer who promises to develop a “ten-week plan that guarantees to burn fat and build muscle at the same time,” but, the truth is, the “custom workout plan” or “personalized workout plan” that you’ve discovered is likely the same exercise routines that your personal trainer shares with their other clients and, therefore, it is not likely going to work for YOU. In fact, if you’re only following a workout plan and you’re not receiving guidance on nutrition, meditation, spirituality or your mental and emotional well-being, then you’re neglecting the biggest aspects of your life and, therefore, you’re forcing a workout plan into a life system that probably doesn’t suit your lifestyle.

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Thank you for sharing your contact information. I'll reach out shortly so we can schedule a discovery call. Talk soon!

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